A downloadable game

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Warhammer 40,000 and all other material in this game are owned by Games Workshop, its subsidiaries and any other respective owner that may be covered. No challenge to their status is intended. 

This project is a work in progress game that was inspired by the Warhammer New Edition Cinematic Trailer:

The game is currently has a 'horde mode' style surival game mode intended for co-op play similar to that of Call of Duty Zombies, though I do wish to expand on it as a linear story game as well.

This is currently in the early stages of development currently with a simple map with untextured meshes, a few textured and animated characters and weapons. 

I intend to update this to some regular degree (so far a little over a month between updates), I wanted to post the current progress now for peoples feedback and to attempt to accumulate a following big enough to work on this and other game development projects full time

Upcoming features include: A Singleplayer storymode/Campaign, Vehicular Combat, Multiplayer PvP and PvE modes

StatusIn development
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Tags3D, 40k, First-Person, horde, Horror, Sci-fi, Singleplayer, Survival Horror, warhammer


WindowsNoEditor.zip 298 MB

Install instructions

Simply extract the zipped folder into a place of your choice and run the executable file

Development log

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Deleted 190 days ago

I have been busy but I will be posting an update 0.8.2 in the next few weeks (fingers crossed)


Cool game!


This has a lot of promise. It is very well made and the combat works well. Well done.


Don't You fear cease and desist?

I have tried my best to follow theirIntellectual Property Guidelines e.g. make it clear that this is unofficial project with no-charge digital distribution etc. 
I would be happy to arrange to get a licence from Games Workshop to develop the project freely perhaps by re uploading with more content under said licence, but until they contact me or the project gains significant views/downloads etc then I dont expect any issues in the short term

Hope that makes sense and thanks for the interaction and interest of my little project :)

Hey, of course I wish You and Your project the very best. I just heard about people - e.g. creators of WH40K fan films - who had to stop developing their projects in progress because of legal issues.

yeah very sad that fan stuff was shut down, im hoping thats only due to ad revenue meaning creators made money. It did cause me to stop development shortly since I orignally posted this project before the big legal issues came but I have since not received any contact regarding my work so far so Id say im lucky or havent had any reason to be given warnings etc


Sadly, but non profit projects was also cancelled, for example animated movie Lord Inquistor.


I can't wait for the next update drop, the game is still incredibly fun as always and the update seems to be shaping up into something big.


Im hoping to have the next update out soon, currently working on a couple levels and putting the ork models in (animations are hard work) I should hopefully be releasing a video update by the end of the month so keep an eye out and thanks for your support!


i can wate to see what this turns into

(2 edits) (+1)

So, I like this. bolter could use a bit more beef to its noise. The bolt rounds do explode so a thump like impact for when the rounds land would do as well. generally everything a space marine does is gonna have impact, so, foot steps and landing from a jump needs to be upped, give it that feel of. "Yes, I am wearing a very heavy suit of power armor." otherwise, this is awesome. 

If you can swing it. I can imagine future projects where you go through levels and clear trenches as an imperial guard. it'd be amazing. also. between rounds, ammo and frags should both be refilled. 


Thank you for your feeback, the audio of the game is a big focus I plan to develop correctly so that weapons, music and sound effects have the proper 'umf' and not have he current place holder effects which I agree sound a bit weak for the theme of the game. I am developing a few maps too including a trench one like you suggest, there is a basic storyline in the works too so that there is a reason for the levels that you play etc. 

This project is still in development, though I am having to work on 95% my self at the moment so progress is abit slow but comments like this give me great motivation to put more hours into it where I can.

Thank you for your support :)

No problem. I love to see this kind of thing. and I hope you enjoy making it as much as people enjoy playing it

maby we could have a squad and  controls like follow stop following take cover exc but this game is awsome and I love it 


customizable space marine?

(e.g, chaos, death guard, custodes, grey knights and rubrik marines)

just a suggestion, otherwise wicked game.


Thanks for your feedback :)

I do plan on making this a feature in the future, will likely be a few versions later as my 3d modelling skills arent as developed as my programming skills.

(3 edits) (+1)

I have a list of stuff you should fix:

1: Set the graphics settings to medium by default

2: When Necrons spawn in the game freezes for half a second

3: More particles! When the head of a Necron falls off it looks great! Add some around Necron shots, sparks when an hit lands, ect. (if you want have the scarabs explode when they die)

4: The bolter rounds don't explode

5: The bolter has no reload, the pistol does

6: Chansword just swings, make it more like the chainsaw in Doom 2.

But that's about it, you made a great MVP (minimum viable product) so just keep working till its done!


Thank you for your valuable feedback :)

I did plan on doing some of these in future updates. Currently working on a better looking map now, still learning while this project goes along.  These changes arent too difficult to do as well I just need to find time to do it. 

Hoping for a big update before the end of the year!


Coolio! I always try to give feed back when I can :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hows the update going? Im exited to see it


Slow progress unfortunately but I'm hoping to have a new version out before the end of the month with any luck! 


Is there anything new regarding the update?


More delays unfortunately, but this is still being worked on. Decided to upgrade the current multiplayer system as well as making some maps. Slow progress there as my 3d modelling and texturing skills are a bit rusty. Hoping to have a new release next month with any luck. 

Thank you for your support and interest :) 

Maybe you should reduce the recoil on the bolter


Thanks for the feedback, I'll add it in the next update for testing 👍

Nice game!

it's very early  in development stages but I wanted to get a playable demo done.
Comments like these help motivate me to work on it more :)


Thank you :)
Warhammer 40k lacks good games, I hope to see the final version.