Update 8.2 progress (update 4)

Another long delay between updates, I can  only apologise and work harder!

I have been trying to think of new features and maps as well as player mechanic additions and an attempt to make an interesting story to make the first level or two. So far I have written a basic story including how a Primaris Space marine gets recruited, the place and process of become a Primaris Space Marine (attempting lore accuracy) including a basic "script" (if you can call it that)

In this specific update however, I have begun to make a vehicle based level where the player must destroy Chaos Space Marine artillery and retake the Imperial Factory at the end of the map. This is my progress so far, a 3d model of a Ultramarine Primaris Repulsor, an Untextured Chaos Predator, and the area of the map where the factory will be located

I hope you all like it!

Get Warhammer 40k First Person Shooter (ver 0.8.1)


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Wow! Looks good!